· work

Work helpers : Copernic Desktop Search

Hello guys! This time I would like to spare sometime to just introduce to you this incredible Windows File Search installer. The name is Copernic Desktop Search. It is a free installer and you could just install it inside your laptop just in a nick of time. But let me tell you, the hard part… Continue reading Work helpers : Copernic Desktop Search · life · me · work

The poppy took my baby away from me..

‘The poppy took my baby away from me..’ That was one bite of a lyric from Zee Avi.Try to listen to that song.It has some pretty amazing lyrics there.Funny but then sarcastic and a little bit of angry.But then I’m not going to talk about drugs here.I don’t do drugs.I only take drugs with Dr.… Continue reading The poppy took my baby away from me.. · work

Job Hunting,ke?Sambal sotong,ke?

Harini aku duduk umah.asik kuar je.kena la saving jugakkan?hihi. XD tak pe la duduk umah pun ok ape.nanti aku bosan2,aku activate account FB yang minggu lepas aku buat tu balik.Saje2.haha.biar aku ada 2 account.tak de la nanti aku punya account lama tu kena disable,aku cam huru hara je sebab tak de FB.hehe. ;p oh ye,kawan2… Continue reading Job Hunting,ke?Sambal sotong,ke?