· Trip

Budget Trip : Langkawi 3D 2N (Itinerary & Prices!)

Hello friends! I always feel like writing a post about holidays (might be turning into a travel blogger soon eh? HAHA :P) but i dont really take nice photos while im on holiday as i tend to cherish it there and then. But for this time around, i feel like sure, no problem on sharing… Continue reading Budget Trip : Langkawi 3D 2N (Itinerary & Prices!) · life · love · Trip

Barcelona Trip–Part 2

When talking about Barcelona, you can always imagine the building structures. It’s old and rusty but still pretty. The preserve and are still in use! Fantastic! The city is also quite clean! This is me, at the Old City of Barcelona, at the Carrer Del Carme. Carrer in Spanish means ‘Road’. Quite easy to understand… Continue reading Barcelona Trip–Part 2