· life · memories

When I was little..

I know most of you must have some great memories that you are proud of when you were little. I have several things that I am proud of and some of the things which I am not. But as a kid, you tend to like think beyond your imagination a bit. You have a whole… Continue reading When I was little..

boyfie · · life · memories

History, his story and memory.

Dear readers. Malam ni saya nak cerita pasal sesuatu. Pasal history. History ni bukan about history yang korang belajar kat sekolah mahupun university, history ni lebih kepada memory. Jap.. Ape beza history dengan memory? I do not understanddd! 😛 Bagi aku, history ni benda yang berlaku,semua benda yang berlaku pada masa lepas. Macam semalam, history… Continue reading History, his story and memory.

engagement · · love · memories · Uniten

Tunangan Orang.

Yippie! Harini best friend aku dah jadi tunangan orang. 🙂 Syok nye tgk dia cantik2 glamour2 harini. Sambil kakak kembar dia yang jadi jurufoto dan juru bagi bunga telur. Sape yg tunang ni? Bukan aku ye, Aqilah si makcik sengal. ;p Selamat bertunang makcikk. Muahhhhhhhss!! So nak diceritakan la, Qila ni aku kenal masa tu… Continue reading Tunangan Orang. · life · memories

Once upon a time in Benwell,Newcastle Upon Tyne…

I used to live here.In Benwell.And today only i know that this place is being demolish.OMG.How sad it is. 😦 It made me cry.Because I used to live there.Maybe yeah,for about a year and a half only but still,i do have some pretty good memories there.Yes,it was Benwell where i got my first education in… Continue reading Once upon a time in Benwell,Newcastle Upon Tyne…

life · memories

What’s on the past,stays on the past.That is what we call memories.

What is on the past,stays on the past.That is what the scientists called ‘Memories’.I have some myself.Everybody has their own memories.Either it is bad or good,it is still and will be in our crumbs of head. I am not going to tell a bed time story about my past.You guys have heard enough of it.Some… Continue reading What’s on the past,stays on the past.That is what we call memories.