bajet · malaysia

Bajet 2014

It’s nearly been a near since the last Bajet 2013 had been introduced. This year our Prime Minister are still getting all the ideas on how to help the rakyat by asking directly the inputs from us. What are you waiting for, let him choose and help him gather some ideas on what we want.… Continue reading Bajet 2014


Hazy Monday

Hey people of Malaysia! Well, it is quite a bad hazy day here in Kuala Lumpur today. The API risen up from 102 to around 159 – 191. Well, bad bad bad day. Hopefully not as bad as Muar. I pity the people in Muar. Hope you guys stay well, healthy and strong.

facebook · Football · life · Malay · malaysia

Oh sudah~ Aimie Harmelia pulak yang kena.

So, harini aku just surf the net, tengok movie je lah. Sambil tunggu feedback email dari orang-orang. 🙂 And by the time nak tunggu tu, aku surf the net. Macam biasa, benda yang aku google first skali adalah pasal Apple stuff. 🙂 iPad second generation, iOS 4.3 and also iPhone 5. Tapi yang paling aku… Continue reading Oh sudah~ Aimie Harmelia pulak yang kena.

boyfie · Football · malaysia

Kisah aku, Irfan dan bola sepak Malaysia.

Okay, semalam time aku type kisah harimau malaya tu memang time excited gila sebab Malaysia menang! And then bahasa pun jadi baku skejap la kan kahkahkah. I mean, ye lah, dah Malaysia menang, kenalah baku skit bahasa. Kan bahasa tu jiwa bangsa. So nak dijadikan cerita, semalam sepatutnya ikut plan aku balik dari Ritz Carlton… Continue reading Kisah aku, Irfan dan bola sepak Malaysia.