Camera 360 dynamic Stickers!

Good morning friends! It is nearly weekend with just one day to go! I know i have been lacking in posting entries in my blog but that does not mean that i forgot about it already! Hehe. I would like to share with you on the newest edition of Camera 360 dynamic stickers.  If you… Continue reading Camera 360 dynamic Stickers! · Trip

Budget Trip : Langkawi 3D 2N (Itinerary & Prices!)

Hello friends! I always feel like writing a post about holidays (might be turning into a travel blogger soon eh? HAHA :P) but i dont really take nice photos while im on holiday as i tend to cherish it there and then. But for this time around, i feel like sure, no problem on sharing… Continue reading Budget Trip : Langkawi 3D 2N (Itinerary & Prices!) · life

Salary Manage “tips” – (For Non Married People)

Hello friends. I think i would like to share with you how i keep my money. First and foremost, i am not a financial consultant not even close to a person who keeps money. I know most of us, the average salary kinda group must be suffocating on our salary money. How do i actually… Continue reading Salary Manage “tips” – (For Non Married People) · PROSMAC

KL EAST ; Iftar (Feat prosmac & Supreme Central Crewz)

Hello fellow friends! Happy Monday to all! I hope and wish that everything is fine and going on smoothly. While we are still in the Ramadhan month, i would like to wish Salam Ramadhan  (although it is on the 19th day or Ramadhan already now! haha) and i would like to suggest a place for… Continue reading KL EAST ; Iftar (Feat prosmac & Supreme Central Crewz)