holidays · · Trip

Tids Bits–Barcelona Part 1

Hello all! If you did follow me on Facebook or maybe read my blog quite regularly, I did mentioned about Barcelona a lot right? Well, I did went to Barcelona last week for nearly 5 days. It was a work trip but my boss said that it’ll be leisure + work trip. So, she allocate… Continue reading Tids Bits–Barcelona Part 1

holidays ·

Missing You!

Yes! I know..I know..I’ve said that I would update my blog form afar but I did not. Instead, I do a vlog video for your guys. So, if you would love to check it out, please feel free to do so. 🙂 <img src="; style="border-style: none" galleryimg="no" onload="var downlevelDiv = document.getElementById('631c70ff-5171-48ad-9e01-37915b596a17'); downlevelDiv.innerHTML = ";;”… Continue reading Missing You!

boyfie · holidays · · life

Thinkplus Langkawi. 11-13 November.

My current office made this three days and two nights training cum holidays at Langkawi. We borded Firefly on Thursday morning, ETD 11.00am and ETA 12.00pm. Once upon arrival,  we were brought straight to our hotel, Sunset Beach at Pantai Tengah cum Pantai Cenang. 🙂 It was my first holiday with my best friends and… Continue reading Thinkplus Langkawi. 11-13 November.