
Bag review! : Inspired by Chanel Boy

Hello all my friends! You know how much I LOVE bags. If you don’t know already, well I am obsessed with bags. Any kind of bags. Paper bags, plastic bags, luggage bags, handbags, briefcase what ever! Haha. I am not a shoe person but surely I am a bag person. So, when it comes to… Continue reading Bag review! : Inspired by Chanel Boy

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What do I rate in handbags.

Handbags are the girl’s best friend. After makeups and romantic movies,ice creams and chocolate. I have my own rating in handbags. Meaning that I look in certain criteria to buy each handbags. Know what, I don’t go for branded bags just yet. It’s the comfort that counts. I look for big shoulder strap for my… Continue reading What do I rate in handbags.