Birthday · daddy

Happy Belated Birthday PAPA!

Oh how terrible I am! I forgot to do an entry for my daddy’s birthday! Even though we did not have any parties or what so ever, I did give him a present tho. It was from me and Irfan and I was the one who came out with the idea. 🙂 I gave my… Continue reading Happy Belated Birthday PAPA!

Birthday · daddy · family

Happy Birthday, PAPA! <3

This entry is only dedicated to my Daddy! 🙂 Mr. Ir. Mohd Ridhuan bin Ismail.   HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!! I love you so much! ❤ ❤ Semoga panjang umur, dimurahkan rezeki. Amin~ Thanks for everything you did to me. Love you from the bottom of my heart so much! *The handsome daddy!!*

blabbering · daddy · father's day ·

Char Kuey Teow vs Subway

Aku g Pavillion tadi dengan famili aku.G untuk makan dan beli ape tah.Since aku tak beli ape2 time birthday ayah aku yang jatuh pada 8 April yang lalu,so i’ve decided tomorrow on Father’s Day,aku nak beli something.Perhaps a card will do (at least).Then,after makan aku pun g lah Memory Lane.While mak dan ayah aku g… Continue reading Char Kuey Teow vs Subway