althea · butterflyproject · online shopping

Althea Korea : Fly Me To Korea Lucky Draw Ticket!

Dear friends, just would like to share with you my purchase from Althea Korea, which entitled me to take part in their XMas Lucky Draw. The Grand Prize would be an all paid expenses trip to Korea!  I was one of the lucky participants from The Butterfly Project Group to received a 100 points from… Continue reading Althea Korea : Fly Me To Korea Lucky Draw Ticket!


Big sister Event (Butterfly Project Malaysia) Feat Foodpanda and Uber My

Dear friends! I am back with a meaningful story today. Last Saturday I spend my time with the orphans in Crestus Cheras. These event is to give an early celebration to the unfortunate kids aged from 3 to 16 years old. It is was a good feeling to help them choose their own toys up… Continue reading Big sister Event (Butterfly Project Malaysia) Feat Foodpanda and Uber My

BOTD · butterflyproject

BOTD : The Butterfly Project Tea Party with Betjeman & Barton and Bisou Bon Bon

Hello friends! It is me again! Been playing hide and seek with my own blog, i know. Hehe. Today in this entry, i would love to share with all my readers the experience of making own perfume and also my personal experience attending a Tea Party!  As you may all know, i am always on… Continue reading BOTD : The Butterfly Project Tea Party with Betjeman & Barton and Bisou Bon Bon

butterflyproject · · life · movie

Review : TGV Indulge movie (Lucy) experience!

Hello my beautiful and lovely friends! In this entry, I would love to share with all my experience with my other butterfly friends, watching movie with a fine dining experience as well! Sounds interesting? Do read more below! If you have been to One Utama recently, you must know that TGV cinemas there has a… Continue reading Review : TGV Indulge movie (Lucy) experience!

butterflyproject · · love

Butterfly Projects : Laser Tag & Butterfly 1st Anniversary!

I hardly play sports that could make my adrenalin rushed up. I hate competing with other people because I cant stand loosing. I don’t like to compete because I can be quite a competitor. Sometime I tend to give no mercy to my opponents therefore, I don’t really like to compete with others. This time… Continue reading Butterfly Projects : Laser Tag & Butterfly 1st Anniversary!