star wars

Star Wars Fever!

Dear Friends, I know it is the Star Wars Fever now. I mean, I am not a Star Wars fan. Their story line is quite confusing to me. But i respect those who are so into these star wars thingy. I was once read a detail book of Star Wars and i was impressed at how details is it. It is not just a mere story or movie. It is something that is from just an imagination, came alive and transforms the world. If you’d ask me who is Anakin, i know but i have no idea who he relates to. I know R2D2, I know Darth Vader but if you asked me who links to who, i am so sorry i could not answer that. Haha.

Well, since i am not so into Star Wars, i did purchased an early bird tickets for my boyfriend to watch. Of course i’ll be watching too. Haha. He watched a lot of movies and Star Wars is included as well. I might need to ask him to summarize a story of these Wars before the actual movie this coming Sunday.

For those who had already seen the latest Star Wars movie, please do not spoil it to my boyfriend. I have purchased the ticket since last month and i will pinch him if i knew that he knows the story line already!

Well, may the force be with you all!

Till then,

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