online shopping · SALES · shopping

Mycybersale is back!

  Love buying online but always looking for SALE items? Wait no more, MyCyberSale is back! Do check out their website and participating vendors! I already purchased my first MyCyberSale items at Lazada. 🙂 Visit for more details and discounts! Happy me! Till then, xx · Trip

Budget Trip : Langkawi 3D 2N (Itinerary & Prices!)

Hello friends! I always feel like writing a post about holidays (might be turning into a travel blogger soon eh? HAHA :P) but i dont really take nice photos while im on holiday as i tend to cherish it there and then. But for this time around, i feel like sure, no problem on sharing… Continue reading Budget Trip : Langkawi 3D 2N (Itinerary & Prices!)