Birthday · life · love

It’s My Birthday & How I Celebrated it.

Hello friends! It was my birthday yesterday and i am super glad i did not take any leave on my birthday. Hehe. I can celebrate it with my friends and love ones. Replying to all the wished from Facebook, Twitter, Prosmac Whatsapp Group and #GengKuatMakan Whatsapp group as well.

My colleagues and I went for a light lunch yesterday not to celebrate my birthday but just to have a regular lunch. I am extremely happy as they did celebrated my birthday in smaller scale. Not that i am expecting any but i just want to celebrate it with my friends whom i love and dear the most. So far, i received many wishes from my friends as well which i always take it also as part of the celebration. I love my friends and i don’t know how i would be without them now.

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At night, i had a celebration with the one person which had already stole my heart now. The important person who made me laugh every single day without fail. A person who is genuine, who is matured, who is true to his self.


Everybody must be asking what did i received for my birthday present this year? My mom and dad gave me a Japanese box with some $$ in it. 🙂 My little man there gave me..

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An STM 40mm pancake lens!

Thank you thank you thank you!

And of course my colleagues and bosses gave me a very delicious cake which we shared among us.


Thank you for everything guys and girls!

Till next year,


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