BOTD : Kiehl’s Patchouli & Rose EDT

Hello fellow friends! If you actually can recall from a post of my Facebook page sometimes around last week, I did post out a status saying that I purchased some new fragrance from Kiehl’s. This is it! I am ready to announce which perfume did I purchased and why!

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Kiehl’s has always been known as one of the best skin care products that is affordable but it works as a charm on your face. I never thought that Kiehl’s could come out with a fragrance that could really made me buy, especially rose fragrance.

I am not into rose scent that much. I think rose scent is a bit overrating when it comes to perfumes. I love tangy and citrusy kind of smell. Surprisingly, during the Kiehl’s even that I attended previously, someone mentioned to me on the smell of the perfume and I did spritz it a little on my wrist and on my God..I fell in love with this scent straight away. But just because of my financial during that time was a bit meh, I tend to not to purchase it during that time.

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As you can see, it is non other than the Patchouli & Fresh Rose scent. OMG. This scent is apparently, AMAZING! If you don’t really like rose scent, you SHOULD try to smell this and I can bet you, that you will also love it!

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I purchased the smallest bottle (30ml) that they have, as I think I do have a lot more other perfumes to be wear. Well, that’s just me. I always and only purchase smaller bottle of perfumes and I LOVE miniatures as I think it is cute and at the same time, I could save my money as I do not use perfumes that much. I believe this costs me around RM80 at Kiehl’s.

How can I describe the scent? Hmm. It is somewhat rosy but in a subtle way. It is not the on-your-face kind of rose scent. The patchouli makes it has a little bit of a minty scent to it but does not overpowering the rose smell. I think this is the perfect combination so far for a rose scent. It does not smell like a fake rose smell.

If you are looking at a new fragrance, try this one. Kiehl’s do have other scent if you are not into rosy scent. My second favorite would be Nashi Blossom & Pink Grapefruit! This has that citrusy scent that I L.O.V.E as well! Do check out Kiehl’s whenever you are free. Do not worry, their sales assistant is surely friendly!

Till then,


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