BOTD : Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette

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Welcome ladies to my chocolate factory! Today, I will be reviewing this lovely palette by Two Faced. I know I am a bit late (actually quite late) in reviewing this Chocolate Bar palette but still I would like to do it anyway as I think it is important to share my thoughts on this lovely done palette.

From the palette’s name itself, you can guess what will the colors of the eye shadow be. I was actually reluctant to purchase this palette as I do have tons of neutral colors already from my previous Urban Decay Naked Palettes (Naked1, Naked2, Naked3 & Basics) but wait..the boyfie purchased this and gave it as my birthday present this year! YAY! Thank you! Hehe.

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By turning over onto the back of the box, it shows all the colors available inside this palette. It has some pink, taupe and of course browns. It has 16 kind of eye shadows, with a mixture of matte and shimmer in it.

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As expected, the case of this palette will definitely look like a chocolate bar! I mean, there would be no meaning at all to the name of this eye shadow if the palette itself does not have the chocolate effect to it. Such a pretty palette!

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I know Two Faced palettes most of them did have these tutorial kind of pamphlets, where they just have some simple ideas and tutorials on what this palette could do. Well, I don’t really use them that much but maybe I do need to use these as a guidance. Well, let’s dig into the palette shall we?

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OMG OMG OMG! Well, just take a deep breath and look at those gorgeous colors! How can you say NO to this palette? Well I know I did previously and I was so wrong! This is like something you’ll never see before. The texture, the color mixure, the smell of the cocoa powder! Yes! You can literally smell that chocolate scent once you take a sniff onto this palette. Lovely eye shadows with cocoa powder in it.

Are you ready for the swatches? 😉

IMG_9458 editIMG_9462 editIMG_9463 editJust to let you know, these swatches were taken without any primers on what so ever. Just look at those lovely colors! My favorite row would be the second row. All of the colors in that row is spectacular but my favorite color of all is Champagne Truffle, which is the highlighter shadow in this palette. Look at those gorgeous gorgeous colors! I just don’t know why I have not purchase this palette earlier but thanks to the boyfie, I am now in love again with eye shadows.

Now, I just cant stop using this palette. I feel like my days would end if I don’t use this palette even just for a dash of an eye shadow on my lids. Perhaps, this is what you say in Malaysia Language Tak Kenal Maka Tak Cinta. 🙂

Have you purchased yours already? I can see that these palette are quite fast selling once it is being refilled. I am not so sure how much is this as my boyfriend got this one for me but I shall have a look at the price and will update it here. If you know how much it costs, do share! 🙂

Thank you!

Till  then,


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