BOTD : Kiehl’s Patchouli & Rose EDT

Hello fellow friends! If you actually can recall from a post of my Facebook page sometimes around last week, I did post out a status saying that I purchased some new fragrance from Kiehl’s. This is it! I am ready to announce which perfume did I purchased and why! Kiehl’s has always been known as… Continue reading BOTD : Kiehl’s Patchouli & Rose EDT · MOTW · YouTube

Music of the week : Lagi dan Lagi by Syamin(MOTW)

Hello my friends! I think I would like to introduce a new tag for my blog entry this time around. Since I love music like basically I could not live without them, I would want to dedicate a weekly entry of my music of the week (MOTW). This week would be the music from Syamin,… Continue reading Music of the week : Lagi dan Lagi by Syamin(MOTW)

butterflyproject · · life · movie

Review : TGV Indulge movie (Lucy) experience!

Hello my beautiful and lovely friends! In this entry, I would love to share with all my experience with my other butterfly friends, watching movie with a fine dining experience as well! Sounds interesting? Do read more below! If you have been to One Utama recently, you must know that TGV cinemas there has a… Continue reading Review : TGV Indulge movie (Lucy) experience!