BOTD · · love · makeup

Best Friend Makeup!

Last Saturday, I had this opportunity to do the makeup for my best friend! She has this Gala dinner going on so she decided to ask me to do her makeup on. I only do the eye makeup and also some blusher and bronzer. She has already have a nice complexion so I skipped foundation on. 🙂

I love the time that we spend together. I miss that kind of moment. We used to hang out everyday! We studied together, we sang and dance to Westlife songs together, we played (my first social media accout!) together and got to know the same guy name Jens and make friends with him, together. We were inseparable! Now, we are 28 years old this year still things did not changed one bit. Although we did not see each other that often anymore as we both have our own life routine but still whenever we had the chance, we just don’t blow it. 🙂

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Just a simple eye makeup like what she requested. She wanted something natural but since it’s a dinner, I did glammed it a little bit by using some shimmering eye shadow. This makeup was done only by using the eye shadows from FRONT COVER Party Queen Makeup Kit. 🙂 The kit has some gorgeous cold colors. Blusher is from H&M Rose Petal shade & Lip Gloss by Heavy Rotation. 🙂

I actually had fun, more that anything that she’s here in my new home. I kind of missing these kind of moments where we just chit chatting, gossiping and laughing, telling stories and all that. I did not tell that much stories to her yet. But still, I want to say thank you for trusting me to do your make up. I don’t know if it’s okay but I did my best! I do hope that you really like it. 🙂

Zati, maybe tunggu kita dah tukar kerja nanti banyak nak story mory kat kamu hehe! Datang rumah kita tau, sleepover! Kalau dayan boleh datang jugak kan best! Bawak baby skali! Hehe 😛

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