BOTD–KATE Cream Cheek

Hello everybody! I am back again for this week BOTD. I miss blogging each day. T_T Hopefully I have the time to do so in this very near future.

In this entry, I really wanted to share with you my experience with KATE Cream cheek. I never purchased any KATE products before. I do have one but it was from one of the beauty boxes that I subscribed last year. It was their dual eye shadow and I kind of like having a love/hate relationship with that eye shadow.

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I received this cream cheek from Seventeen Makeover Party, last few weeks. I had a blast at that party which I shall be blogging about it too, soon! I never had a cream cheek before. Never know how to apply it and all. I always thought that cream cheek does not last long and wont even show on my cheeks after all. I have seen several videos on how to apply cream cheek but I think when I did it, I kinda failed. Nevertheless, I shall share with you my experience with this particularly cream cheek. 🙂

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As you can see, the color is not that bright pink so I am kind of afraid that will it show on my cheeks after all? How will it looks like on my cheek? Will it last long? Well, I will answer all that questions (and if you have other questions feel free to ask me in the comment box below) in this entry!

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The color is quite tense if you did not do any blending of the cream. One swipe of the cream can actually cover for most of the apple of the cheek! It is pigmented to me for this case alone. I have not seen any cream cheek with this kind of pigmentation and consistency. This is okay for me.

Pigmentation : 4/5
Lasting          : 3/5 (More or so about 4-5 hours in air conditioned place)
Color Choices : 4
Price              : Will revert back and fill in here! ^_^

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Can you actually see the cream cheek on my cheek here? It kinds of give a very natural blusher look. I like it, I love the texture and I love the longevity stay of the product on my cheeks. I just have to practice more and more on how to apply cream cheek products. I suck at it. 🙂


4 stars

To me, I give it 4 stars rating because it does not come in a variety types of colors. I need more other colors in order for me to choose which one is suitable for my skin tone and color. Nevertheless, the product is awesome and I shall repurchase it if it’s finish. ^_^

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