BOTD · butterflyproject

The Butterfly Project–YADAH

What a great way to start my new year! I was chosen to participate in the hands on with Yadah! I have heard about the brand before but never really try their products just yet. I have heard, seen and read a lot of really nice review about their product so I thought, why not just have fun this starting of the month by going to this exclusive invites only event! Who would have say no, right? 🙂

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The event is being held at Little Wonton in Taman Tun Dr Ismail. It’s the shop right above Speedmart99. It was my first time at Little Wonton in TTDI. We had Little Wonton foods in our previous events and I absolutely looking forward to eat their famously Thai Wonton again!

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First and foremost, we were all given a review form for us to fill in once we have finished playing with the products that they will be having at the event and in we go!

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Once I am in, I can see that Little Wonton in TTDI has a very nice ambience. I love how they decorate their restaurant. So cozy and it does not feel like it’s on the second level restaurant at all!

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You can see the menus that they are serving on that day. IT WAS SERIOUSLY YUMMY! My favorite would be…all of them! Well, the one that I tasted was GOOD! Sweet Wonton’s Banana Chocolate with Spicy Thai Noodles and Savory Wonton’s Sausage Tomato Cheese! AWESOME POSUM! You all should definitely try all of the selections!

Apart from the restaurant decorations, Yadah team has also decorated the restaurant to be looking really really cute! All decorated with Yadah’s mascots and filled with Yadah’s products! Let’s go one by one on the products displayed shall we?

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First and foremost, this lovely and cute Lip Tint Balm. Come in 4 different flavors and colors! Bling-Bling Yellow, Cherry Red, Sugar Pink & Shiny Peach. All of these Lip Tint Balm are made from Shea Butter and will give a tint on your lips.

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Look at those cute packaging! Yes. A lot of people mistaken Yadah to be a youngster products just because they have such a cute and very nice packaging but youth of 25 years old and above are also suitable to use their products as well!

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Secondly, look at these Lovely Lip Gloss! They have 5 types of flavors and colors! All of them are my favorite colors! I shall get my hands on these lip glosses soon! I really love the shades so much! They have Strawberry Milk, Tropical Orange, Cherry Aide, Bling Bling Essence (clear ones) & Peach Smoothie. All of them sounds so delish!

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Oh my they also has some BB Cream too! I am a HUGE fan of BB Creams so I think I might be getting these as well!

There are also some facial care products as well and some of these are their best sellers! Like these Ampoule and their Bubble Deep Cleanser.

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I just cant wait to try out their ampoule especially the collagen ones! I have read a lot of good reviews about this products and are being recommended by some of other beauty bloggers as well! I heard that the ampoule is just around RM60+ only and it lasts quite long! 😉

If you are a huge fan of having your own facial time at home, Yadah also has some nose pack and mask pack as well!

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And not to forget their Anti range! These are suitable for those who has oily skin and also acne skin. The packaging looks promising so I guess I could give these a try as well!

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All three items in the picture below are for after application products. They also have some mists and hand cream! Oh my, I feel like I have to try all of their products!

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Apart from facial and makeup products, Yadah also has their own hair and body products as well! Look at those packaging! I just cant stop admiring the packaging!

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On our tables, there are some Yadah’s makeup products for us to test and play around with. There are their mascaras, lip tint balm, milky lip tint, and ampoules.

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To tell you the truth, this is actually my first time playing and using Yadah’s products. I wish I knew this brand a little bit earlier so that I could test all of their products! 😦

While waiting for the organizer to settle down, and other bloggers to settle down taking pictures, I also took some my own selfies as well with the photo booth props. Haha. 🙂

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The event started with Elaine, Yadah’s Brand Manager giving out some informative presentations about Yadah and their products. Apparently, Yadah products contains only natural plant extracts which is good for the skin and also good for my 2014 beauty resolution as well. 

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Elaine also presented Yadah’s most wanted products. Have you tested any of them?

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Apart from useful presentations, Elaine also has some activities for us to play around as well with Yadah’s products. The first one would be the ‘Test which is which sun cream is from Yadah’ game. 🙂 We were given 3 types of creams, A, B, C and were asked to feel the cream, applied them and smell their scent. After all the tests, we need to give our own favorites cream and tell Elaine why we love the cream apart from the other two.

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Cream A – It’s actually Yadah’s previous sun cream.

Cream B – Yadah’s new sun cream

Cream C- The most expensive and best seller sun cream at Sasa. 😉

We all got it right actually. I mean, we all LOVE cream B. The smell, the texture and the feelings after we applied it. Cream B won!

Next we have the Yadah Bubble Deep Cleanser test! We were given two types of eyeliner, one is the liquid liner and another one is a pencil liner. All of us needs to draw something on our hands and will use their Holy Grail Bubble Deep Cleanser to clean all the eyeliner drawings.

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To some, it was not their first time using this bubble cleanser but to me it was my very first time and I am so impressed with it! It could just wipe away all the eyeliner drawings even without water! WOW!

Next test would be their Lip Tint Balm test. But this time, they called out two volunteers (by asking questions and whoever raised her hand first with the right answer will take part)  to play a little game. They have to applied some lip tint balm on their lips, wait for it to dry and EAT A BOWL OF WONTON SOUP NOODLES IN LESS THAN 15 SECONDS! 🙂

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This test is to test out the longevity of the lip balm. It does stay even after eating a bowl of wonton soup noodles! WOW.

Then it was FOOD TIME but before we have our food, we need to take these lovely lantern paper and wrote our new year resolutions at the back of the paper.

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I picked out a mint green lantern just because it is my favorite color. 😉

Then, it’s time to EAT!

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We all go back not empty handed! We received these lovely gifts from Yadah. The tote itself was being flown from Korea just for us! WOW!

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I would like to take this opportunity to say



for organizing these lovely day for all of us!

Follow both of them NOW to more more details about Yadah products and to know more new events from The Butterfly Projects!

Picture with friends time!

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Farisha aka Nala!

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Innani & Aida!

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