BOTD–Maybelline Color Tattoo (AGAIN?!)

You girls know how much I love my Maybelline Color Tattoos and I have 2 dedicated blog post just for them. You can click HERE & HERE. 🙂

Today, another dedicated post just for these babies cause I got more! Well, sadly in Malaysia we don’t have these shades of color tattoo. Too bad. Really bad! Maybelline should have known how well known this products are. We have seen it in YouTube, in other blogs, in all around the social media and internet, that should have brought more of these shades. Particularly in the USA, they have these color tattoos in seasonal colors! I envy them so damn much. Well, maybe Malaysia does not have 4 seasons but that does not mean that the products are not going to sell well here.

I have 3 new color tattoos to show to you girls here. Two was from Australia and one from Barcelona (I actually bought another one from Barcelona. I will do that one in other blog post entry!). Yes. All imported and not being sold in Malaysia. Sad. Sad. Sad! That’s why I keep on using them lightly. Don’t want to finish those one whole tube for the next years to come! Haha.

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As you can see, I have Too Cool, Silver Strike & Metallic Pomegranate. Two from the original Color Tattoo line and one from the Color Tattoo Metal line. If you are a true fan of color tattoo, you will know who these suckers are just destructible. Once applied, they will stick onto your lids like hell. Well, it did stick onto my hands pretty well and cannot be easily  erased by water let alone with out water.

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These three colors are AWESOME! Especially the Metallic Pomegranate. I love dark colors so this could be one of my favorite color from the Color Tattoo range that I own now. The two other colors are just simply gorgeous as well. One being looking like a frosty white metallic (Too Cool) and another is a lovely silver with silver dust (Silver Strike). The swatches are as per below.

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As you can see with one swipe with out water, this is how it looks like. Perhaps my favorite one does not last that long eh? Well, I think it is because it tends to be a little bit more towards the creamier side and does not have that little dust particle in it.

I don’t know how you could get these but I always suggest to go and search inside Ebay. Hereby I listed some of the links which you can see or maybe purchase! 🙂

Maybelline Color Tattoo in Too Cool

Maybelline Color Tattoo in Silver Strike

Maybelline Color Tattoo in Metallic Pomegranate

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