BOTD · butterflyproject

Hair Depot Experience!


Hello girls! Are you ready to read my experience with Hair Depot event organized by the Butterfly Project in conjunction with Hair Depot Hartamas? I am ready to share with you all here! Lets read!


So, what are the activities on that day? We had loads and loads of FUN! I was the first one to arrived and had got the chance to take some photos of the shop. At Hair Depot, you can get almost everything hair care and beauty related! From Malaysian made brands to some well known international brands or some brands that we never heard of but are seriously good!

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The first stop on that day would be the scalp check station where all of the invitees were given a FREE scalp check! As usual, my scalp was told to be broken and oily. I am so not a dry scalp person. My scalp has always been oily since..ever! So they said that at the end of this event, everybody would be getting a hair scalp shampoo and hair scalp mask that is suitable for my hair and scalp. Yay! protected scalp after this! 🙂

hair checking

After the hair scalp session, the next table are actually the styling session table. But, it takes a while to style ones hair so when my hair scalp session is done, I just wondering around the shop and see what are the other products that they could offer. They also have some little beauty section that sells fake lashes, combs, DIY face masks and also empty travel containers. So many things in this shop! You should go and check out for yourself!

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See, they have a lot of other things as well! Not just hair shampoo and hair masks and hair spa! And guess what, they have HOT ROLLERS as well! WHAT?? I have been searching for hair rolls for so long and I could get it here! It is quite pricey though for me to buy it on that day but, I will definitely buy one day!

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As you can see from the pictures above, a lot of the products that they sell are shampoos and hair care which is seriously cool! I have seen some brands which I wont be seeing at some major drugstores and some good quality Argan Oils too!



The yummy food on that day was again from Little Wonton! Yay! I love little wonton so much! I am addicted to it now actually. My favorite ones would be the one that I had for two times already, Thai Charcoal Wonton Mee with Wonton and also Ice Lemon Tea drink! This is such a perfect combination altogether! I mean, the foods, the activities, the friends! LOVELY!



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This was the result on that day! They styling table did have a full set color of hair chalk but since I am not into coloring my hair that much and the stylist said that my hair is straight and long, he styled my hair with huge curls like this! I am happy with the result! I always wanted to have huge curls like this to hide my huge face!

The stylist also taught me a very simple and easy to do hair curling. Just section your hair onto two parts at the back (Left and right) and then take one part for example the right, divide it onto two. So you have four sections. And just curl your hair according onto that section! Simple and easy! I’ll do a video about it soon so stay tuned to my YouTube channel! 😉

Apart from having fun meeting new friends and *ahem* purchasing new items at Hair Depot, all of the bloggers are also entitled to win this beautiful looking hair curler! I saw this hair curler in Bunny’s YouTube channel and was like loving it! I don’t really curl my hair as it is quite hard to curl my hair using hair straighteners, but now if I do get this one, my hair wont be left straight anymore! Muahaha!


It is very simple to use! The automatic curl will curl your hair automatically! *duh~*  It has that special auto rolled up hair inside that bulky rounded top so you don’t have to twist your hands to curl your hair anymore. Do you get what I mean? 🙂

Well, as usual I had fun! Seriously all of the events that I have been to organized by The Butterfly projects had been the best ever! Meeting new friends, mingling around and taking pictures, chit chatting. Just wow!

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Last but not least, thank you to this guy for waiting for me from start until the event has finished, in the car. 🙂 I have the best boyfriend ever!


Where to find Hair Depot other outlets near you?

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*Courtesy from Hair Depot Website*

*Click picture for clear view*

Thank you The Butterfly Project for this opportunity and thank you Hair Depot for the most lovely day and goodie bags! 😉

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