holidays · · Trip

Tids Bits–Barcelona Part 1

Hello all! If you did follow me on Facebook or maybe read my blog quite regularly, I did mentioned about Barcelona a lot right? Well, I did went to Barcelona last week for nearly 5 days. It was a work trip but my boss said that it’ll be leisure + work trip. So, she allocate one day off work for all of us to take a look into Barcelona a little bit closer and I fell in love with this city instantly.

We went by Emirates as I was the one suggested my boss to take Emirates as it is a little bit cheaper than Qatar Airlines (and also merely because I LOVE Emirates and would want to ride on their A380. LOL!) and boarded our first flight on the 13th November 2013 at 1am. Why do I love Emirates? It was purely because of the flight camera. We can actually see what the pilot see (front camera) or we can see the tire view (below camera). Yes. It is because of that. Of course because of the foods and the aircraft too. ;P

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*Yeap.frequent flyer*

So, our flight from KUL to DXB (Dubai International Airport) takes about nearly 7 hours. 7 hours of flight, what would you do? I sleep, I watched Big Bang Theory, I watched The Grown Up 2. Arrived at DXB at Subuh time (Dubai time) and it was just a very tiring trip. That was just the half part of the journey, another 7 hours more to BCN (Barcelona International Airport).

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Since my boyfriend is in the same company as I do, he was also on this work trip together with me as well. Yay! And he was also my source of money during this trip as he bought me most of the items that I have (which I will be doing a haul soon!) but I think I’ll pay after this. Cause it is way too much. I don’t want to be someone who is materialistic, I cannot be bought by money. 🙂

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This is why do I love Emirates Airline. The menu is just so yummy and you can actually asked for two if I am not mistaken and if only the airplane is not full. This was the menu for our DXB – BCN flight. I choose chicken curry as I do not really like cod fillet. Hehe.

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This is where we stayed for 5 days. It’s a very clean apartment with English speaking receptionist. Yes. That is very very very important when you are in Spain. Always looking for English speaking people as most of them does not speak English and it is hard to communicate. If you are planning to go to Spain, be it Barcelona or Madrid or others, it may come in handy if you did learn a little bit of Spanish at least the numbers 1-10, thank you, you are welcome, hello, good morning, good night and some simple sentences. It’ll help a lot! I downloaded this one app for my iPad (not free 😦 ) and it does help me a little bit –> LEARN SPANISH 

Well, I will be continue this Barcelona trip in the second part. 🙂

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