BOTD · unboxing

Unboxing–The Lilac Box Date 5

After Bag-Of-Love, The Lilac Box is the box that I wont want to miss each time they launch a new box. Because the products inside it are just rare and I won’t be getting at least 2-3 products the same with some other boxes. Nice huh? But, the drawbacks of this box is that you… Continue reading Unboxing–The Lilac Box Date 5 · life · love · Trip

Barcelona Trip–Part 2

When talking about Barcelona, you can always imagine the building structures. It’s old and rusty but still pretty. The preserve and are still in use! Fantastic! The city is also quite clean! This is me, at the Old City of Barcelona, at the Carrer Del Carme. Carrer in Spanish means ‘Road’. Quite easy to understand… Continue reading Barcelona Trip–Part 2