family · holidays ·

CNY Long holiday!

I know I know, for some people they do need to go to work but for those who are having their looong holiday, I think you are one of the luckiest! Well, not saying that I need to work but I think 4 days of weekend is just so bizarre! I mean, 2 days is not enough, I think 3 days of weekend days is enough for me but 4 days? I have no idea what to do now. Haha. These two days have been so unproductive so far. LOL. Well, I did recorded some videos and edit them and upload them to not that unproductive after all isn’t it?

Today, I watched Friends. I love that show. Who doesn’t ? And I only went out with my parents. I do want to go out by my self but my mum said that all the shops were close so I do not see any point of me going out alone. I rather sit at home and enjoy my effortless holiday. haha.


Happy Chinese New Year to you guys! 🙂

saturday 013


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