BOTD–Wonderbox Unboxing (January Box)


OMFG girls!! I forgot to actually blog about this! How could I! But I did a video about this unboxing so guilt free I guess. Haha. Well well well, this is my latest beauty box subscription. Yes. Beauty boxes are growing like mushrooms here in Malaysia. From NONE to what now, 4-5 already? This would be my second subscription to a beauty box. The first one that I encountered are Vanity Trove, while back in June last year (Or is it July? I cannot remember when. Imma such an old lady. Sigh –.-“) and I was so excited that they shipped to Malaysia. As you all know, Vanity Trove originally from Singapore. 🙂

Well, lets talk about this Wonderbox shall we? I admit, the first time I knew about this beauty box was from Jaclyn Teoh. She blogged about it. And I did went to their website, searched for the YouTube video regarding about this Wonderbox and I am pretty satisfied from seeing inside the video & also blog, what they had inside their boxes every month. So, I registered myself. Only registered, I did not subscribe yet. As you all know (or I think you don’t know.haha), I am a searching & analysis freak. Before I buy something, it is a must I do some review checking about it. I will dig deep, deep into the holes where God knows where. haha. Well, not all, only on those products that I am not knowing what I will be getting or those online shopping products, especially makeup items.

So, I did search for makeup research and reviews regarding about this box and most of them were pretty satisfied with what they have. So in January, I did my part by subscribe to a box. I only do monthly for RM39.90. They will deduct the amount onto my Paypal concurrent account and I gain 0 points for this subs. If you want to collect points, you could go for the RM119.70 for quarterly subscription. I do not have that much money to just pay a lump sump of RM119.70 for 4 month so that is why I am sticking to RM39.90. Besides, you could cancel your subscription anytime before a particular date. 🙂

If you haven’t tried Wonderbox, give them a go! Up to this date, there has never been a dissatisfied customer yet! 😉

Subscribe here :

Products inside my box :

Ronasutra Mineral Foundation Powder (Full size)

Ronasutra Anti-Bacteria Sponge

Murad Skin Perfecting Primer (5mL)

Murad Vitalic Pomegranate Exfoliating Mask

Elianto Nutri Rouge lipstick (Full size!) 

Hair Chalks (Brown & Yellow)

Murad online shopping voucher

Rose petals in a heart shaped box!


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