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Accessories : Bling It On by Capital N


Like my necklaces? Yes. The two picture above there is actually a necklace. Looks like a collar is it? 🙂 Nope. You have been fooled! By me and also Bling it On by Capital N! Haha. 😛

This is a very fancy online accessories shop. Owned by Nisa, she sells accessories at a very very cheap price! Do not believe me? Well, she guarantee that her accessories will not be higher than RM30. Yes! Cheap! and sold out very very fast! Do check out her blog shop instagram at Bling2 and just look at the prices. 🙂

Usually, accessories like this would be having that cheap look but believe me this one did not have that at all. It looks like I bought it at some expensive shop somewhere! Especiallu the black collar that I wore on the above picture. So well made and I think it is similar to the Padini or H&M accessories. Quality assured!

What are you waiting for! I heard that after CNY, they will be having more new accessories coming up! Bangles and necklaces.

Shop shop shop!

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