dreams · http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post

Dream room

I have this dream, of creating a really really cozy and lovely room. Take a look at the picture above. Some part I really LOVE and some are just not my favorite at all. For an instance, I do not like the bed rest (is that what they call?), that white fluffy board behind the… Continue reading Dream room


Such a weird but fun movie.

    <img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/-MNwwC4ybmws/USR610UDAnI/AAAAAAAAI7U/GDLTC8L8iGs/video8f5675f7858f%25255B5%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800&quot; style="border-style: none" galleryimg="no" onload="var downlevelDiv = document.getElementById('f32d197f-c92c-4548-8562-e2c90759aab1'); downlevelDiv.innerHTML = " http://www.youtube.com/v/twACeXqInu4?hl=en&hd=1&#8220;;” alt=””> I came across this movie when I am trying to search for Hilary Duff’s mosic video and series. I used to like her acting a lot before this. And now that she’s married and all that, she’s no longer… Continue reading Such a weird but fun movie.

Digi · family · http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post

DiGi–Kami Buddyz Manifesto!

  <img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/-IZojJp5-t4c/USMdQP6UdqI/AAAAAAAAI4E/wSNavDlTVgs/videoa719abb24ce1%25255B5%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800&quot; style="border-style: none" galleryimg="no" onload="var downlevelDiv = document.getElementById('ab21fb96-4713-4bc4-9d8a-7fca91fccd7d'); downlevelDiv.innerHTML = " http://www.youtube.com/v/nV_h3HikELQ?hl=en&hd=1&#8220;;” alt=””> Spot me! 🙂 Thank you Nuffnang for this incredible experience! It was FUN! I wish we could do this again and again!