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Food Porn : Nasi Tumpang by Nadal



Nasi Tumpang? Have you ever heard of it? This is sort of like my first time encounter with this nasi / rice. It is originality from Kelantan, the Northeast of Malaysia. It is something unique that I have not yet eaten my whole life. You can now eat so many types of cuisine in Rasta TTDI. They have western, Indonesian, Malaysian, some Kelantanese and Terengganu foods as well. Not to forget Dim Sum and Waffles and also Middle Eastern Kebabs and Shawarma. So many types of foods to taste there. And last night, I have decided to try this Nasi Tumpang by Nadal.

To my surprise, Nadal is not a Malay. He is a foreigner who is married to a Muslim woman. Yes, I know. I can be quite a chatty when it comes to this part. Apparently, Nadal is not a Malay. And I did asked him how is the business so far. He said that it was okay but it is quite hard as people tend to give him that look that he is not a Malay/Muslim and people were kind of skeptical to buy his foods. And his wife is being hospitalized if I am not mistaken as she has some back bone issues. And yes, he cooked the foods by himself. So, he’s a great cooker because everything is a Malaysian food in there!

Masak Lemak Ayam, Serunding Daging, Telur dadar, Sambal, Sotong you can see, it is being wrapped in a banana leaf and has his pyramid shaped of wrapping. Originally i think the nasi is wrapped wholly in a banana leaf. This kind of menu reminds me of Nasi Ambeng by those Java people. 🙂

I suggest that if you are craving for these, do try it out at Rasta TTDI. He has his stall there, located just beside Azim Goreng-Goreng. You can definitely see the nasi packed so tall, from afar. Try it out! You will never regret it! It is RM9.80 per pack and yes, if you are eating like me, seriously you need to share this with other as well.


P/S : Short update! A friend of mine, who is actually a serious eater guy ordered this Nasi Tumpang and he said it was very delicious. Tak percaya? You just have to. This serious eater man said this. My neighbor actually. So, approved! haha. This rice has been endorsed by my boyfriend, me and my serious eater neighbor. And by the way, Nadal is a Muslim. No problem regarding about Halal. It is certainly 100% Halal. If you are being skeptical, please throw that aside. Do not judge the book by is cover. Never ever. 🙂 Oh yes, it was really nice to meet his wife too, today! The backbone of Nasi Nadal himself. 🙂

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