dreams · Trip

World trip.

I have this big dream of going for holidays. I have a lists of places that I really wanted to go or go again. Be it alone, with future husband or just with my parents. It doesn’t matter with who. Even with my office mates and of course friends. Let just go through one by one, the places that I really wanted to visit (again!) 🙂



London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. Yes. London! I really wanted to come back here again someday. Like it is a MUST for me and my future family to visit London at least 1 time per 3 year. I LOVE this place so much. I even have an idea of go and work there when I am around 35 years old. HAHA. Well, we planned, God creates it. So, if God did not want me to work there, I still can go there for my holiday trip. Why London? It’s because I love British. I love Union Jack Flag and I have been living near there when I was little. So, visiting there is like balik kampung.


tyne bridge

This is Tyne Bridge. Located at Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. Why Newcastle? I lived here before. And I wanted to go and visit my place back. Yes. I miss this place. It’s not like home to me but it still used to be my home for nearly 2 years. I wanted to vist Benwell, my school and all. I really really miss this place. I could take a train from London to here. It takes about 2 hours my mom said but I just don’t care. I miss Newcastle Upon Tyne. Really.



Mecca, holy city. Yes. This should be No.1 in my list but somehow I made it No.3. I have no intention, just that I really wanted to go there and see Kaabah for the first time but I think I am not that ready. I mean, I have made sins, big sins and small sins. My mom told me, if I wanted to perform Umrah I need to clean my soul and mind. I am now trying to so that hopefully. I really wanted to see Kaabah to be right in front of my eyes. InsyaAllah, if God’s willing.



Paris, the city of love. Who doesn’t want to come here? I have dreams that I am there, at Paris. But it was all just a dream. I dream big. Haha. Well, I would love if I could just see Eiffer Tower right in front of my eyes. Taste the food, desserts and more. Be in love and be loved by the person who loved me. Take photos of each and every angle of this incredible city. Yes, when I dream big. I do. Paris is my next stop.



No.5 would be Venice, Italy. Another city of Love, Arts and Cultural. If only I could just sat in those gondolas and have the man sings song to me. Wouldn’t’ it be great when someone serenades to you while strolling in the gondolas? Viewing this incredible views? Tell me who does not want this to be happening at least once in your life? 🙂



JAPAN! How can I forget this country! I have no specific place yet to visit in Japan. Maybe Shibuya or Osaka would be nice. Shopping galore and paradise! I love their culture, their language and some part of their foods. So, I would definitely will be visiting Japan soon. See those Cherry Blossom Sakura? Pink and beautiful.



Hong Kong is another place that I really wanted to go and borong all the makeups and beauty products and also visit their Disneyland Theme Park. 😀 I know, people used to rave about Hong Kong like 2 –3 years back. I was like, what? Hong Kong? What do they really have there? How’s the halal foods and all? Well, I know I am being skeptical. Now, I want to go there. Like really wanted to! 😀



The very famous upper-east side inside Gossip Girl. I really wanted to go and see this place. How cruel it is actually. Just because Blair Waldrof lives there, I really wanted to see and visit here. I know, it would be a very expensive place to visit and I know it has nothing but still, I dream of going there.


So, those are the places that I really wanted to visit. I don’t know if I could go even 2 places in this list but London is a must for me! So, I would at least visit one place. 🙂

Pictures courtesy of : Google.

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