· life


Hello there,

Just Tuesday ey? So long for Friday? Well, why do you want to have Friday that fast. enjoy every single day like it’s the best day of your life. Treat every day as a new day. A new day to learn something new, a new day to do something fresh, something that you have not yet did before. Let it be fresh. Let it be the best day of your life.

There is nothing wrong on being happy. Be happy is essential. If you want to be happy, you’d be happy. It is as simple as that. But yeah, mouth talks, heart feels. So, feeling is much much more greater than talking.

I miss going to the theater this year. I will so going to next month. Can’t wait for the Tun Siti Hasmah theater. Love theater so much! The ticket could be expensive but it feels great to just watch them live.

Have a little karma quote from the internet ;


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