
Vanity Trove July

YAYNESS! I got my first Vanity Trove box last two days! And I am very very excited about it! I did a short video on this box on my YouTube channel. 🙂 Well, if you don’t know what are actually Vanity Trove. It is actually a beauty box subscription that you can subscribe every month,… Continue reading Vanity Trove July · love

Cheating and why I do not want to.

Hey guys/gals, today punya topic is quite sensitive. Sensitive to those who loves cheating to their partner. Tak kisah lah, partner boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife doesn’t matter. It was actually the same. Why do people cheat? Why do people go and find another partner? I have a simple answer for those who are still blur on… Continue reading Cheating and why I do not want to.


Happy 4 years old!

Today is actually my 4th year of having this blog! Yes, this blog was born on 15th June 2008. 🙂 Happy birthday to A LIFE IN A WEBBIS!! May you’ll be my only blog throughout my entire life! I cherish what you have did to me, good or bad. 🙂 Â