cars · family

Happy and you know it..

Have you ever had this such a happy feelings where you know you can’t wait to get that something? I did. I did have that feelings last Tuesday. Where I got my car back after two weeks of waiting. It went on a minor/major beautifications. Repainted I should say. Yes. I have been waiting to see that car beautiful and alive again for such a long time. I think about 5-6 years now. And now, I can see it being beautiful each and every single day.




The first stage was changing the front hood of my car. Before this it was terrible. Like hell. Haha. Because I banged it. Yes I did. Only certain people knows about that incident.



Second stage, where they just scrap all of those tiny holes or uneven surfaces onto my car’s body. Yeap. Looks kinda sad isn’t it? oh my my.


Now, a beautiful brand-new look car! Love love love it so much! hehe.. Worth the money and wait.

One thought on “Happy and you know it..

  1. thinking of to cat my kembara..but dont knowlah worth it ke tak. huhu..rasa macam nak jual sayang pulak. tapi kalau nak bawak jalan jauh mcm tak berani je.. by the way berapa semua sekali kos cat wira tu? thanx!


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