Birthday · daddy

Happy Belated Birthday PAPA!

Oh how terrible I am! I forgot to do an entry for my daddy’s birthday! Even though we did not have any parties or what so ever, I did give him a present tho. It was from me and Irfan and I was the one who came out with the idea. 🙂

I gave my daddy a watch and I know he loves it so much! He told me not to buy him expensive things but hey, that is just how I show my appreciation to you dad! We did not talk as much as I want to, we did not cuddle or have dinner together but I know you love me and I love you too! We have some weird connection between us but I do not care. I know we care for each other. 😉


Happy Belated Birthday Daddy! 8th April ago. 😉


* Daddy is trying to be like me. Taking picture of us together *

* Inside Emirates A380 London Heathrow-Dubai *

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