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Hello Kitty Debit Card!

OMG! Tak sangka okayy! I got my Hello Kitty debit card from Hong Leong bank (HLB) today! 🙂 Yang tak berapa bestnya, ada numbering pulak kat muka Hello Kitty tu. Isk! Tapi tak de hal lah! Janji dapat the card that I wanted!

Thank to my sayang, sanggup teman pergi bank untuk apply that card. 🙂 Wee. Korang pun boleh apply. I applied at HLB cawangan TTDI. Tak ramai orang pun sebenarnya! 🙂 Bawa deposit RM200 je untuk bukak savings account. Kalau you guys nak masuk contest Hello Kitty, menang kereta suzuki SWIFT yang dihisai Hello Kitty satu kereta, boleh la deposit RM1000 lagi. 🙂 For me, getting the debit card is enough. I just want the card. I am not that keen to participate that competition sebab dah tau dah memang akan kalah. haha. 😛


Chomel kan!!

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