bazaar ·

Chic Pop Bazaar @ Jaya One

Hey Bazaar lovers! What have you been up today? Well, I know some of you must have been to Chic Pop Bazaar today at Jaya One. Honestly, this is the BIGGEST bazaar that I’ve been so far. Seriously, the best I should say? :)) The way the organizers placed all the booths and they even… Continue reading Chic Pop Bazaar @ Jaya One

family · · love · Trip

Langkawi Trip–3d 2n (Heavy Pictures)

Last Friday, Irfan, Fira and I went to Langkawi Island. Saja2. Planning starts in July. 3 months before the actual date to depart. 🙂 Lama kan? Ye la, nak kumpul duit, planning2 and all. Cukup lah 3 bulan. Lagi2 nak puasa & raya. Budget mesti betul2. DAY 1 Perjalanan nak ke LCCT tu punyalah banyak… Continue reading Langkawi Trip–3d 2n (Heavy Pictures)

bazaar · · life · love

Sooq Bazaar at Rasta TTDI

Okay. my third time going to bazaar and seriously involved in it. 🙂 I mean, involved in buying things at the bazaar. Yeap. Seriously. Only third time. And it is getting addictive and more addictive! Seriously, I am in love with bazaars. 🙂 I often don’t want to actually get involved in the shopping when… Continue reading Sooq Bazaar at Rasta TTDI