

Hey ya all! 🙂 Today I am going to share with you my recent favorite online shop. It is not eBay but it’s ETSY! And inside ETSY, there is this one very humble girl named ELLA, selling loads and loads of Lip Conditioner or here we called Lip Balm. 🙂

She sells like very peculiar name for a lip conditioner but every lip conditioner has it’s own story to be tell. Me myself has ordered 3 Lip Conditioner from her and the name was very very long! These are what I ordered from her ; (click the picture to be link to the page, don’t worry it’ll opened up a new window for ya! 🙂 )


Democrat Girl Lip Conditioner Refreshing Rainbow Sherbert is Vegan Smoochalicious and Friendly


Watermelon Tea Rose Petal Nights For Much a Deserved Goddess Lip Conditioner


Leo Girl Astrology Vegan Smoochalicious Fun Lip Conditioner


Just look at those names! Long,peculiar and sounds delicious even you have not actually taste the actual product yet! Hehe. Ella was well known of her beautiful packaging, long and yummy names of products and colorfulness of the product! Each lip conditioner costs about RM14.99 and shipment is according on you orders. If you ordered just one Lip Conditioner, it’ll cost you around RM21.00 to pay for the product and the shipment. It is not that expensive if you really seriously wanted to buy from her. Oh, let me tell you one thing, she made all of the products that she sells, herself. Yes it is homemade. I am willingly to pay an amount of money to someone which is so creative and so humble. She replies each and every questions you have with such a open heart. She’s the sweetest girl ever!

This blogshop ‘ETSY’ is kind of easy to shop as they accept Paypal and shipped to all over the world (well, just need to ask the seller’s first’ if she/he could actually shipped outside USA). Before you could purchase any of the product inside ETSY, you might want to sign up first. Just some simple email,username and password signup. Do sign up and purchase from ELLA! 🙂

Can’t wait to get mine!


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