thinkplus · Trip

Singapore trip part I.

YAY! at last, I finally jejakkan kaki kat Singapore. Finally, first time ever for my 25 years of living. Kesian kan? Masa masuk, seriously jakun lah. But then, it still looks like Malaysia anyway. Cuma jalan dia nama pelik, the signboard punya fonts semua lain from Malaysia. I still feel like I am in Malaysia… Continue reading Singapore trip part I.



Hello laki-laki & perempuan. HAHA. sounds gila weird kalau cakap dalam BM mcm tu. Well, I might be doing a contest around next week. The prize would be something that you MIGHT like. If you like the prize, you can enter. If not, please don’t. 😛 And yeah, the prize is only available at here… Continue reading Contest!!!



Hey ya all! 🙂 Today I am going to share with you my recent favorite online shop. It is not eBay but it’s ETSY! And inside ETSY, there is this one very humble girl named ELLA, selling loads and loads of Lip Conditioner or here we called Lip Balm. 🙂 She sells like very peculiar… Continue reading Etsy!