boyfie · love


As you all semua tau from my last post below, today (or yesterday after I posted this entry) was my 2nd year anniversary with my beloved busuk! haha. 🙂 Yeah, it’s been 2 years now. How fast time flies. 2 years filled with glory and not so glory stuff. ;p

Well, ktorang tak amik cuti pun. Ye lah, nak amik cuti pun rasa macam pelik sebab nak celebrate anniversary pulak kan? So, we just take time during lunch hour tu sikit untuk pergi makan kat Delicious kat OU. Hehe. =p Itu je lah celebration ktorang, sebab al maklumlah~ dah hujung bulan (sape suruh pilih tarikh hujung2 bulan kan? utk orang yg nak couple kat luar sana, pilih tarikh awal bulan ye sebab nanti duit still baaaaanyak and boleh la nak beli presents sana sini. 😛 )

Lepas makan tu of course balik ofis balik, kerja macam biasa je. Tak ada ape sangat lah. Cuma aku dapat 3 benda dari busuk aku. =)

  1. Handbag
  2. Starbucks tumbler
  3. Handmade card (yeahhh.dia buat sendiri okay!)

Enjoy the pictures. Kalau lapar dinasihatkan jgn tgk. 😛036



*New Starbucks tumble. sila abaikan saya yang gemok.tq*


*I freakin love this bag soo much! Sebab ada sailor theme*

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