boyfie · love


As you all semua tau from my last post below, today (or yesterday after I posted this entry) was my 2nd year anniversary with my beloved busuk! haha. 🙂 Yeah, it’s been 2 years now. How fast time flies. 2 years filled with glory and not so glory stuff. ;p Well, ktorang tak amik cuti… Continue reading Celebration..

boyfie · · life · memories

History, his story and memory.

Dear readers. Malam ni saya nak cerita pasal sesuatu. Pasal history. History ni bukan about history yang korang belajar kat sekolah mahupun university, history ni lebih kepada memory. Jap.. Ape beza history dengan memory? I do not understanddd! 😛 Bagi aku, history ni benda yang berlaku,semua benda yang berlaku pada masa lepas. Macam semalam, history… Continue reading History, his story and memory.