Birthday · boyfie

Busuk’s birthday!

Semalam birthday my busuk aka Irfan. So i had a half day leave to celebrate it with him. Tapi, I did planned a last minute birthday celebration at the office. Everyone participates and it was cool! Even Dr. Nor had to take role. :p And he did not even realize that he is actually being celebrated. To see his face reaction, i love it. It was something that i never thought i did to him and i think it’s the same thing for him. I don’t know if he actually had a surprise birthday party before this. These are the pictures from my iphone. I left my camera inside his car, will be uploading more pics soon. 🙂

I gave him a GPS, the one that he really wanted the most and a very big card. haha. The biggest card I’ve ever bought for someone.

Hope you had fun syg. 😉

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