
1 year and 7 Months.

Happy one year and 7 months sayang. šŸ™‚ I know itā€™s been a while since my last monthsary post but that doesnā€™t mean that i forget about out monthsary. ā¤ Well, just want to say thank you for always taking care of me. I mean, taking good care of me. And thank you for always… Continue reading 1 year and 7 Months.

engagement · · love · memories · Uniten

Tunangan Orang.

Yippie! Harini best friend aku dah jadi tunangan orang. šŸ™‚ Syok nye tgk dia cantik2 glamour2 harini. Sambil kakak kembar dia yang jadi jurufoto dan juru bagi bunga telur. Sape yg tunang ni? Bukan aku ye, Aqilah si makcik sengal. ;p Selamat bertunang makcikk. Muahhhhhhhss!! So nak diceritakan la, Qila ni aku kenal masa tu… Continue reading Tunangan Orang.

boyfie · holidays · · life

Thinkplus Langkawi. 11-13 November.

My current office made this three days and two nights training cum holidays at Langkawi. We borded Firefly on Thursday morning, ETD 11.00am and ETA 12.00pm. Once upon arrival,Ā  we were brought straight to our hotel, Sunset Beach at Pantai Tengah cum Pantai Cenang. šŸ™‚ It was my first holiday with my best friends and… Continue reading Thinkplus Langkawi. 11-13 November.