Come and Go.

Hey guys. 🙂 I am just feeling so bored right now. Eventho i have my new laptop with me it is just isn’t right. i do not know what to do. And my internet connection just can’t connect to any yahoo messenger. sometimes i just can’t log in into my facebook account. Sigh.

Yes. I have a new laptop. Dell Studio XPS 16. I just loooove this laptop and this is the most expensive laptop that i have ever had before in life. Perhaps a present from my daddy for my birthday and convo. 😛 Mine is red in color cause they only have red ones in stock. I just don’t care about the color that much. I just want this laptop and i got it!

Irfan’s at his hometown so that’s why i am not out today nor yesterday. It was quite a boring life. Tonight i have a kenduri to attend at my boss’s house. 🙂 Can’t wait to melaram.hehe =)

Well, just missing my busuk Irfan here.

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