· life


Hello guys. 🙂 Just a small updates here about what happened in the past days. Well, on Saturday, we went to Urbanscapes for like 30 mins only. Upon arrival, we witness the ‘Projek Angkat Rumah’ and strolling around the Marketplace for a while. I dislike this year Urbanscapes Marketplace as it’s not that organized enuff.… Continue reading Updates!



I am depressed. A serious ones that can lead to death. I am totally blank out. Feelings seems not important now. Depression is. I am so depressed. Please help. I think no one reads my blog after all. So i can say whatever i want to here.



Hello guys. I always write about friends. But rarely i see that they appreciate me much rather then my families. What’s the point of writing about friends when they do not want to be friends with you anymore? I can see that for sure now. 🙂 My grandma is in a hospital right now. She’s… Continue reading Family.

emo · enemies


So macam ni la kan korang? Tak pe lah. 🙂 Aku takde halnye la. Tak kisah la ape2 pun boleh. Buang masa aku je kisah. Kalau kisah pun aku sorang je tak di endahkan, buat ape kan? Buat ape aku nak terhegeh2. Macam aku sorang plak yang beria sangat. Alah, kalau benci katakan benci. Cheewah!~… Continue reading Gah!