· life

One Fine Day.

Okay peeps. Harini hari aku biasa je. Fine je. πŸ™‚ Aku startkan kerja aku dengan bermain FB dulu. Setup2 laptop semua and then main FB. Then lepas tu makan breakfast nasi lemak Irfan belikan untuk kita and zati.hehe. πŸ™‚ Then lepas tu terus Then, nasib baik Zati bagi kerja terus tadi. Buat calling untuk… Continue reading One Fine Day.


16k viewers!

Wow. It actually shocked me to death. (nope.i was just exaggerating.i just choke a little of my Special K cornflakes) I am shocked to see my counter’s number. it stated that more then 16k had viewed my blog! It as only been published 2 years ago and i have like 16k viewers? I don’t know… Continue reading 16k viewers!