boyfie ·

Clearing my HDD and..

I was just about to delete all the stuff unneeded inside my hdd partition c when i saw this picture. 😀 It was taken by Dayana on the 24th of April 2009.Hehe.2 days before we actually ties the knot. (cheh.macam nak kawin plak kan knot knot ni.Haha) As you can see,we ate at Kluang Station… Continue reading Clearing my HDD and..

boyfie ·

Saat bahagia. ^_^

Haha.sejak bila aku pandai menggunakan emoticon cam telinga tikus tu?Lol.Okay la.Sejak dua menjak ni aku rasa bahagia.Tak tau lah kenapa.Haha.Maybe sebab November bakal menjelma?Or sebab aku dapat kamera dslr?Or sebab aku dah siapkan hampir 80% fyp aku?Haha.Aku pun tak tahu sebab apa.Maybe jugak sebab dia Irfan selalu tolong aku buat fyp aku?Sebab Irfan selalu tak… Continue reading Saat bahagia. ^_^



Tak tau nak update ape,jadi aku type lah ape yang aku nak buat/beli dalam masa terdekat ni. -Kad birthday! 🙂 -Thumbdrive. -Sunway Lagoon. -Tony Roma’s. -FYP2 finished. -Present for my love ones. (ARGH!Still couldn’t find anything!) -New DVD for entertainment. -New pump shoes. -Baking cupcakes/cakes/whatever they call it. 😛 Argh.Money.Money.Where are thou money? 😛



Aku ada post kan satu status ni kat FB aku. Status tu berbunyik macam ni Kenapa orang lelaki suka tengok perempuan sexy.Tapi bila GF sendiri nak pakai ala-ala sexy dia tak bagi.Pelik kan? 😀 Nak tau ape balasannya dari kawan2 FB aku? Ni ha~   Mohd Faizal sbb x bg org lain tgk… Kerol Anuar… Continue reading Facebook


Happy 6th monthsary!

Wow.It’s one month addition already?That’s fast enough! 🙂 Just want to say happy 6th monthsary to my lovely sayang Irfan.It’s been half a year already,sayang. 😉 Love you!     *My Lovayava!*

boyfie · camera ·

FYP2 and Meatballs.

Saw the movie ‘Cloudy with a chance of meatballs’ yesterday.With Irfan and Naquib.Haha.The story was great although a little absurd but who cares!It’s a cartoon anyway,right?The graphics was great.Slightly can see some jagged here and there,uneven tones and graphics itself but who mind all those bullsheet.IT’S AN ANIMATION ANYWAY! 😀 So,after watched movies,we ate our… Continue reading FYP2 and Meatballs.


Teori Aku.

Dulu aku pernah post satu entry yang agak mengarut kan?Pasal perempuan2 hot kononnya kan?Then ada aku cakap,kalau nak tau perempuan tu hot atau tak,kebanyakkan kriterianya di scan kan melalui pemakaian seseorang perempuan itu kan?Tapi,untuk lelaki,macam mana pulak ekh?Ya aku tau,hot sebab ada badan ketak2 yang menggelikan tu kan?HAHA.itu lah lelaki hot kononnya.Tapi macam mana korang… Continue reading Teori Aku.



Okeh sayang.Now u pun ada 2 hidung ok.jangan nak ejek saya dah lepas ni. 😛 Al-kisahnya tadi aku g OU dengan Irfan.Makan2 dan bershopping sikit.Ktorang makan SUBWAY je.Dah la time sampai kat SUBWAY tu,orang tu kata dalam 10minit lagi siap sebab time tu dia buat untuk orang mana tah.Berderet orang tu order.HAHA.Seriously,banyak gila! So,ktorang pun… Continue reading NOSE. · movie

The Ugly but Truth.

So okay,saw the movie already.And it was not to say bad but not way too awesome too.It was okay.But love the humour part of it.Gerard Butler and Katherine Heigl really did a good job back then.I love Katherine.She’s natural and cute and funny and has this ‘I-am-beautiful-but-i-can-also-do-stupid-face’ face. 😛 She’s beautiful,purely. Overall,i rate this movie,8… Continue reading The Ugly but Truth.