· Uniten


Yesterday I can’t sleep actually.Keep thinking about my FYP2.I have a good feeling that I’m going to ace it.I’m going to PASS.At least,a PASS.Don’t care about the grades and stuff.I just want to PASS.But then,I imagined the situation will be like when i passed my FYP2.I will be missing Uniten.I know that’s lame.Sounds so the hell lame.But, after all these years, only this one year I have been struggling alone, going back and forth to Uniten from home.And after that when I had graduated, I will not be in Uniten anymore.And..that is kinda sad.I will not step my foot back in my ‘5 years of home’ anymore.But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to graduate.I want to.I want to attend my own convocation.I want to wear those robes and mortar boards.I want to have the feeling of people appreciate your hard work.I want to made my parents proud.So,I think graduation is the best event to show and have all that attention on me.I used to be the loser side inside my both families.So,now I want to take revenge.I will do anything for this FYP2 to complete 100% according to my supervisor advises.And I will work hard for this FYP2 because the presentation days will be starting on the day after my boyfriend’s birthday which is on the 17th of November up until 19th November 2009.Wah!Can’t wait to show to my panels and my supervisor that I could actually do it! 🙂 They will shocked to death!Haha. 😛 Till then to those who are presenting their FYP2 this semester,i say , ‘Come on lets do this together!Lets rock the world!Haha.And Good Luck on your FYP2!!’.

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