
Last minute.

Oh oh it seems like im not going to Petrosains tomorrow.Hurm hurm.Last minute changing plans.It has been postponed to some other time that i have no idea when.But it’s ok.Time will tell when. 🙂 And my sunday plans to go and get my reservations from Syu also ruined.Irfan has to work at 4.30pm that day.Sunday.Yes.He… Continue reading Last minute.


I do not know.

I have some problems trying to convey my problems to other people,especially to him.I have no idea why though.Maybe I’m just being a ‘play-safe’ kind of girl here.I’ve told him before,I don’t tell my problems to others.And I was hoping he will respect that.But then it seems like there’s this one issue.He’s my bf and… Continue reading I do not know.


Ugh! ii

Ah.I hate this feelings.Feelings of ‘ketidakpuashatian’.Fak lah.Later on i’ll feel like i want to punch someone and then feel bad about it instantly.Haih.Why am i like this.Fak lah.