blabbering ·


I’ve surf the Apple website.Just reading about the latest iPhone 3G S.Hurm.Quite ok lah the phone.But i don’t think so i could have that one ASAP except im working at some kinda company who cares enuff to pay me.Haha.I saw that the iPhone 3G users could upgrade their software to the 3G S ones.So,i thought maybe iPod could alse have it’s update as well since both touch and phone are using the same software.

Well,up to my surprise,while searching and surfing,i saw this one link says ‘Update your iPod touch’.So,i clicked there and read abut the the updates.Yeah.Nearly as same as iPhone.But kinda sad tho,it needs credit card to update.Not that cheap.$9.95 for the update.Hurm.

I think the update is kinda in need.Haha.Well,it’s because it has the ‘Cut and Paste’ function,’Shake to Shuffle’,’Stereo Bluetooth’,’Landscape Keyboard – which they only have it in safari for now’,’Peer-to-peer gaming’ and much much more.Argh tensi2.. 😛

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