movie · talentime


Who wants to accompany me to watch talentime?I just can’t wait to see this Yasmin Ahmad movie. Hope to see it soon.Come on people, come with me.come and watch this movie. 🙂  Anyone? Im serious here. 😉

Can’t Hold us Down – Christina Aguilera

Can’t Hold us Down – Christina Aguilera So what am I not supposed to have an opinion Should I be quiet just because Im a woman Call me a bitch cos I speak whats on my mind Guess its easier for you to swallow if I sat and smiled When a female fires back Suddenly… Continue reading Can’t Hold us Down – Christina Aguilera



Usually i only shared this with this one person that i know,but now i guess im going to share with all of you here since that person is not totally available anymore.haha.Tak tau sebab ape pun.just saja je nak bagitau i love my dad so much. 🙂 Know what,he was at Singapore from Sunday till… Continue reading Usually..

life · wishlist


Well..I have gotten some things from my wishlist (not this blog wishlist ok) last Saturday. 😉 Not trying to show off but those things costs quite a lot of money but it is a piece of art that will last forever i guess. Wargh.I am so happy!! 🙂