cats whiskers ·

The Cats Gath. :)

Last night i had a little gathering with my fellow workers from Cats Whiskers.I haven’t work for like a year now but still,Adriana the Bangsar manager still remembers me well and invited me to this little gath.It was held at the Royale Bintang Hotel at The Curve.

It was around 7:15 me and Izzati arrived at the hotel.Adriana and the rest was not even arrive yet.Maybe they had some stubborn customers to greet.haha.

Well finally they arrived at around 8:00pm.So,we started eating and talking about ‘WaChau’ and ‘RM150’.haha.It was quite funny and actually we did know and get well along with each other even though we did not know each and everyone except Adriana. 🙂

We had BBQ thingy like lamb,chicken,hot dogs and it was worth the price.We also had satay there and some ‘raw’ otak-otak.haha.

We planned to watch movies but at the end there’s no movies that we can watch.we end up saying Goodbye to each other.Bye~ Hoping for another gath very soon!

L-R : Izzati, Me, Adriana, ‘i cant remember her name’, ‘ her as well’ , Chan , Vel. 🙂

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