I am me.No one can change that.

I have been living for 22 years now.and i can say that i am a very cold hearted person.(ask most of my friends that knows me well).I tend to yell and shout when things dont go my way.I am like Kimora Lee.I am her but she’s not my idol at all.I like being me because… Continue reading I am me.No one can change that. · open house · Raya

The Ultimate Open House!

Sir TJ open house. Food Nasi Impit. Rendang Ayam. Meehun sup. Daging black pepper. Rojak buah. Kuah kacang. Kek Secret Recipe (sumbangan ikhlas Dyla) 😛 Kuih raya (Tat,cornflakes,cokolat,kacang,semprit,muruku,badam) Drinks Sirap+aiskrimsoda (kot la) Things happen Angkut meja+kerusi. Meeting ‘long lost friend’ tapi tak bertegur pun.haha. Duduk rumah Sir nak dekat 9 jam. Melayan anak buah sir… Continue reading The Ultimate Open House!


The origin of Facebook.

I only knew that Facebook was actually originated from Harvard University.It started at Harvard by the name and then changed to in the year 2005 after they had bought the domain .com. wanna know more about facebook? Click Here To Know More About Facebook